Friday, February 4, 2011

Popping the Proverbial Cherry

I imagine if you're reading this, then you were searching "fucking awesome" in Google. Either that or you're really desperate for some baseball- much like myself.
As of this post, we have at least another 9 days until we get any kind of action. And by action I mean Rick-Ro and Arencibia playing catch. At the very most, we have another full 3 weeks before the rest of the boys show up for some serious Spring Training shit.

But until then, let's check out some of the fresh meat:
Octavio Dotel
Jon Rauch
Frank Francisco
Carlos Villanueva
Rajai Davis
Juan Rivera

Really, I'm pretty stoked about this whole "closer race" between Frasor, Rauch,Francisco and Dotel. To think that last off-season we were shit outta luck with options for the role, and now we're overflowing like Christina Hendricks' tits in a low-cut tank top.

We'll get more into the other positions some other time. I just wanted to get this first post out of the way.

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